10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
+++ POSTPONED from 27 MAY 2020 TO 10 JUNE 2020 +++
ERCI Freight and Multimodal Logistics Taskforce Kickoff
The present situation in the EU, according to the “World Economic Forum”, is that 24 % of freight vehicles run empty, the loading of the rest is, on average, of 57 % in terms of weight, the overall efficiency is only 43 %, there is an estimated recovery loss of 160 billion Euros/year. Similar conditions appear at a Eurasian level.
The environmental impact is of significance. In 2015, the transport volume was 19 billion tonnes of goods (or 2,385 billion tonnes – km). In terms of tonnes-km, 75 % was transported by road, 18 % by rail and 7 % by barge. The impact of freight transport on the environment is massive: 275 million tonnes of CO2 per year. Road freight contributes substantially to road congestion and is responsible for premature deaths from pollution and accidents mainly on roads. According to the OECD, growth of 30 % is expected by 2030, assuming there will be no further financial crises with a devasting impact. This means 1 million of additional trucks in the motorways.
Shift to rail is the best solution: Rail has 6 times lower specific energy consumption and external costs than the road, but there has been no increase in rail freight share in the last 15 years.
However, it seems that despite the promotion of more efficient and sustainable methods of transport, and rail freight, has been a key part of EU policy for the last 25 years, no substantial improvement has been gaining success. On the contrary, performance is poor despite the efforts.
In this webinar railway-based freight, stakeholders will be able to analyse the implications and the strategy of relevant agents towards better use of rail mode in the current logistics chains.
The webinar will be held in English and participation is free of charge for members of ERCI-partner clusters. Non-members by invitation of ERCI- partner clusters.
Live Video Conference via Microsoft Teams
It will be conducted as a Live Video Conference via Microsoft Teams. A specific link will be provided to all registered attendees one day before the event. Addressed to members of Railgrup, members of ERCI clusters and anyone invited on their behalf.