Remarkable development
The region Berlin-Brandenburg is one of the leading and most dynamic logistics locations in Germany. Today it boasts a logistics infrastructure that guarantees an optimal supply to the metropolitan region. The region finds itself in a strategically favourable position as it is traversed by three of the nine designated trans-European corridors, and thus is connected to all of the European and Asian growth markets.
The past years have been remarkably successful for the logistics industry in the capital region. The yearly take-up of 340,000 to 400,000 m² secured Brandenburg and Berlin a spot among Germany’s top logistics regions. Businesses such as Amazon, Rossmann or Zalando have settled in or expanded to the region.
Strong logistics locations
The freight transport centres of the region, e.g. Berlin-South (Großbeeren), Berlin-West (Wustermark/Brieselang) and Berlin-East (Freienbrink) as well as the trimodal City GVZ Berlin-Westhafen in the centre of Berlin boast excellent logistical location factors with brilliant future development prospects.
The freight transport centres primarily function as the conurbation’s suppliers, but due to their proximity to traditional industrial locations, such as Siemensstadt or Ludwigsfelde, they are also suited for industry-oriented contract logistics providers and for other demanding logistics services.
Citylogistik Berlin-Brandenburg AG on the Graph Commons online platform
Logistics is a field of action in our transnational cluster Transport, Mobility & Logistics, i.e. we deal with innovations or project initiations in all areas related to logistics. In the past, network formats such as the Logistics Breakfast have been used for this purpose, mostly in close cooperation with the Berlin-Brandenburg Logistics Network.
Since the topic of city logistics is becoming increasingly relevant, we decided at the end of 2018 to set up a working group on city logistics with our close partners.
We will meet every two to three months and discuss different approaches with the aim of implementing them.
On the initiative of the BdKEP, the transnational working group Citylogistics players & activities in the capital region was brought together. The online platform Graph Commons - a tool for mapping, analysis and publication of data networks - has since provided an overview that is constantly expanding and changing.
This overview is a joint project with the AG Citylogistik Berlin Brandenburg - it's exciting to see how many projects and connections exist in the meantime. If something is missing, please give us a sign, we will add it.

Leader in the area of scientific expertise
With its first-class higher learning institutions, the capital region is the leader in the area of scientific expertise. Especially relevant to the field of logistics are the Technical University of Berlin and the Technical University of Applied Sciences in Wildau with their research groups Transport Logistics and Secure Object Identity.
Furthermore the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, the University of Applied Sciences Brandenburg and the Viadrina European University in Frankfurt/Oder, as well as the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin), the University of Applied Sciences in Berlin (HTW Berlin) and the Beuth University of Applied Sciences are renowned for their expertise in the field of logistics.
LNBB (LogisticsNet Berlin-Brandenburg)
The LNBB (LogisticsNet Berlin-Brandenburg) plays an important role in the development of the field of action logistics. The LNBB brings together different production, trade and service companies and gives them a common platform to discuss current issues related to infrastructure, logistics solutions and business models.