On 1 July 2023, the LEADER 2030 project was launched. LEADER 2030, which has a total duration of 30 months, stands for Learnings for European Autonomy to Deliver Europe's Rail in 2030.
Resilient supply chains of raw materials for the European railway industry
The objective of LEADER 2030 is to assess and increase the capacity of the European railway supply industry to achieve the European vision of a radically transformed railway system in 2030 and to remain a world leader thanks to it. To achieve this, LEADER 2030 is developing a holistic approach and methodology, thanks to a very strong and complementary partnership that brings together all the necessary competences from the railway, raw materials and innovation sectors and is strategically open to synergies with other relevant organisations in Europe.
The project consortium
Members of the LEADER 2030 project consortium are
- European Railway Clusters Initiative (ERCI)
- Teknopark Istanbul
- Geokompetenzzentrum Freiberg (GKZ)
The project, funded by the EU Railway Research Initiative Europe's Rail, is supported by other stakeholders based in the Berlin-Brandenburg capital region, including
- the European Rail Research Network of Excellence EURNEX
- the Enterprise Europe Network Berlin-Brandenburg (EEN)
- the EIT Raw Materials - European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA)
Added value for regional companies in the rail industry
As an ERCI member, Berlin Partner for Business and Technology and the Berlin-Brandenburg Transport, Mobility and Logistics Cluster support the LEADER 2030 project in disseminating project content. First and foremost, a survey among regional small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) active in the rail supply industry on interrupted supply chains for raw materials as a result of the current crisis situations.