Konsultation zum Masterplan der „Europe's Rail Partnerschaft“
© European Commission
Consultation on the master plan of the "Europe's Rail Joint Undertaking"

The draft of the master plan of the “European Rail Joint Undertaking” has been published and is available for public consultation until November 26, 2021. Feedback received will be taken into account when the master plan is completed.

Further information



Your opinion is needed

A webinar on the draft of the master plan is expected to take place on 19 November, in which the contents will also be discussed.

The Europe's Rail Joint Undertaking focuses on supporting research, development and demonstration of innovative technologies and operational solutions (in particular made possible by digitalisation and automation) in order to achieve the various goals of the European Union for the next few years. These are in particular the so-called “European Green Deal”, “to make Europe fit for the digital age”, “an economy that works for the people” and “a stronger Europe in the world”.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.