ERCI-Webinare 2024 zeigen Innovationen aus Berlin-Brandenburg für Europas Bahnen
© ERCI European Railway Clusters Initiative ASBL

ERCI Webinars 2024 showcase innovations from Berlin-Brandenburg for Europe's railways

Since the COVID19 pandemic, the European Railway Clusters Initiative (ERCI) has been organising webinars once or twice a month in which companies and scientific institutions present their innovative solutions for the European railway system of the future. As a rule, two speakers from different countries shed light on the respective webinar topic from their perspective.

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2024, a total of 13 ERCI webinars were held, attended by over 1,700 international representatives from business and science. Thus, the Cluster Management for Transport, Mobility, and Logistics Berlin-Brandenburg supports regional actors from business and science in presenting their innovative expertise for a sustainable railway system in Europe to the international professional public. Several companies from the capital region took advantage of this opportunity for international presence within the framework of webinars, for example on the topics of human factors (HFC Human Factors Consult GmbH), the use of satellite data (LiveEO GmbH), data management and Web3 applications (OSTAKON GmbH), AI-based object recognition (Pointly GmbH) and standardisation (SIGNON Deutschland GmbH).

Lutz Hübner


Senior Manager
Rail Systems Technology
T +49 30 46302-573

The European Railway Clusters Initiative (ERCI) consists of 18 research and innovation-orientated railway technology clusters covering 17 countries. ERCI represents more than 2,300 SMEs and aims to promote innovation and the development of new business opportunities as a means of sustainably strengthening the competitiveness of the European railway industry. ERCI promotes cooperation between industry and research, initiates innovation projects, organises B2B meetings and workshops. This also includes promoting visibility and networking at EU level.