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11. March 2024
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Further information
According to its 2021-2030 development plan, the Irish government is investing €35 billion to improve public transport, active travel and community connectivity, among other things. There is virtually no rail industry in Ireland, so it is reliant on foreign partners. They can find out here which projects are being prepared and how they can get involved.
Topics of the webinar:
- Overview of operator and procurement structures in the Republic of Ireland
- Overview of the main projects being tendered and planned (mainline railway, metro and tram)
- Dublin Metro North tunnel project
- Dublin Area Rapid Transit (DART+)
- Expansion of long-distance transport
- Business opportunities in the area of maintenance and repair / after sales
- Requirements for bidders
Please note
The event will be held in English. The webinar is organised by the ERCI partner cluster Rail.S e. V. in cooperation with Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS) and AHK Ireland, National Transport Authority (NTA) Ireland, Irish Rail and Transport Infrastructure Ireland.