10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
4.0 technologies to improve safety and maintenance processes on the railways
In this webinar you will learn about 4.0 technologies improving safety and maintenance in the railway sector.
“Less weight. More freight”: TransANT provides a more efficient and sustainable solution for the industry with a highly innovative modular freight wagon that is based on a lightweight steel design and consists of a standardized platform wagon in different lengths plus modular and industry-specific superstructure. TransANT GmbH is a joint venture with ÖBB Rail Cargo Group and voestalpine Stahl GmbH. TransANT is intended to create capacity in the market for innovative and cost-effective rail freight cars. TransANT was one of the finalists of last year’s ERCI Innovation Awards.
“Safety & Maintenance. Improvement technologies”: IVM is an innovative SME focused on the development of monitoring and diagnostics solutions aimed to improve safety and optimize maintenance processes. One of its innovations is POWERVE®, a revolutionary and portable device designed to statically measure the vertical forces on wheels and wheelsets. Correct equalization of vertical forces on wheels is fundamental to guarantee the dynamic stability of any rolling stock. POWERVE® is simple to use and enables increased inspection frequency over the rolling stocks life cycle, ensuring to keep unaltered the design values also during maintenance processes. POWERVE® has been awarded with the prestigious “Jury’s Prize Coup de Cœur” during the ERCI Innovation Awards in 2019.
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- By registering for this webinar, you agree that the webinar will be recorded and published on the website of the European Railway Clusters Initiative (ERCI).
- Registered participants will receive an access link to the webinar in a separate e-mail.
About ERCI
This webinar is organised by the European Railway Clusters Initiative (ERCI). ERCI comprises 15 research and innovation-oriented railway technology clusters, covering 16 countries. ERCI represents more than 1,500 SMEs and aims to promote innovation and the development of new business opportunities as a means to sustainably strengthen competitiveness within the European railway industry. ERCI promotes cooperation between industry and research, initiates innovation projects, organises B2B meetings and workshops. This also includes promoting visibility and networking at EU level.