KNRBB-Delegationsreise Bahntechnik nach Bydgoszcz / Polen

KNRBB Delegation Tour Rail Technology to Bydgoszcz / Poland

10. April 2024 –
11. April 2024

The Kompetenznetz Rail Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH (KNRBB) invites all interested participants to a delegation trip, with three planned company visits, to Bydgoszcz in Poland on 10 April and 11 April 2024.

Day 1

  • 12:30 Welcome at the starting point followed by a tour of the production facilities andconversations at the companies
    • DSP Sp. z o.o. in Brzoza and
    • Rail-Bohamet Sp. z o.o. in Ciele
  • 18:30 Dinner & Networking in the brewery „Warzelnia Piwa“ (Self-paying)

Day 2

  • 10:00 City tour through Bydgoszcz with tour guide
  • 13:00 Company visit to the company Pesa Bydgoszcz SA
  • 15:30 Closure and end of the event
KNRBB App Logo

Would you like to attend?

Then please send a binding e-mail by 10.03.2024 to ralf-meinsen@knrbb-gmbh.de. KNRBB is at your disposal for any questions.

Note for participation

After completing the binding registration process, a flat-rate fee of 35 euros will be charged, which includes general expenses for tram travel, city tour and bus shuttle. Please plan your arrival and departure individually. For accommodation we recommend the Hotel Park - Wrocławska 3, 85-211 Bydgoszcz. There is a contingent for a small number of rooms. Please use the code word "KNRBB" to make a booking.