10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Learn about Cybersecurity Solutions for Railway Transport
In this ERCI/STARS Webinar you will learn about innovative solutions for ensuring cybersecurity for railway passengers and freight.
First, the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), as project coordinator, presents the European project E-CORRIDOR, which aims to create a flexible, secure and privacy-friendly framework that enables trusted, distributed and edge-enabled security services such as threat analysis and prevention, as well as privacy-friendly seamless access mechanisms in multimodal transport systems.
The second presentation is on the safety assessment of Ethernet on-board networks in trains. The related research at the University of Birmingham focuses on the assessment of the networks and components that form the communication backbone in modern trains. Based on experience from other industries and taking into account binding legal frameworks, it has been possible to develop a uniform methodology that provides both independent technical rigour and the necessary flexibility for bespoke network designs. The methodology can already be applied in the planning of trains, benefiting manufacturers, owners and operators.
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- By registering for this webinar, you agree that the webinar will be recorded and published on the YouTube channel of the STARS project.
- Registered participants will receive an access link to the webinar in a separate e-mail.

About ERCI
This webinar is organised by the European Railway Clusters Initiative (ERCI). ERCI comprises 16 research and innovation-oriented railway technology clusters, covering 16 countries. ERCI represents more than 1,500 SMEs and aims to promote innovation and the development of new business opportunities as a means to sustainably strengthen competitiveness within the European railway industry. ERCI promotes cooperation between industry and research, initiates innovation projects, organises B2B meetings and workshops. This also includes promoting visibility and networking at EU level.
About the STARS Project
The application of advanced technologies and their Europe-wide dissemination in internal company processes should help to significantly improve the adaptability of traditional SMEs from the rail and mobility sector to the changed economic environment after the Corona crisis and to increase their competitiveness on a European scale. The project thus contributes to the European Commission's economic stimulus package. To achieve this, the STARS project aims to support international cooperation between technology-savvy SMEs/start-ups and traditional SMEs.