
ERCI Innovation Awards 2021

Registration is closed
26. October 2021
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Lille Grand Palais | 1 Bd des Cités Unies | 59777 Lille
Erci Logo

7th issue of the ERCI Innovation Awards

As every year, the European Railway Clusters Initiative (ERCI) honours pioneering innovation projects of European rail industry companies time with the ERCI Innovation Awards. The awarding ceremony is organised by the ERCI partner i-TRANS.

The ERCI Innovation Awards are organised and attributed by the clusters, members of ERCI, to European companies that provide products, systems, technologies, processes or services, with proven innovative features.

Winners are selected by a European jury of independent experts representing industry, research and public authorities.

Selection of winners is based on the following criteria:

  • Innovation features of the solution

  • Economic and social benefits for the railway sector

  • Integration of new digital technologies

  • Impact on “human capital”

  • Creation of the innovation by networking (cooperation with other private or public entities)

Seien Sie dabei!

Die ERCI-Innovationspreisverleihung findet auf der Messe SIFER in Lille (Frankreich) statt. Seien Sie dabei und erfahren Sie, welche Innovationen dieses Jahr das Rennen gemacht haben. Es bleibt spannend. Wir halten Sie auf dem Laufenden.