10:00 AM – 11:15 AM
Be informed on current and future railway projects in Serbia
In cooperation with the Ministry for Construction, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Serbia an online presentation of all current and future railway projects in Serbia will be held on Tuesday, 14 March 2023.
This online event is exclusively organised for the members of Rail Cluster SEE and partners from the European Railway Clusters Initiative (ERCI).
After the presentation it will be possible to ask questions to representatitvies of the Sector for Railway and Intermodal Transport from the Ministry, as well as representatives of railway companies, contractors and supervisors and PIU units coordinators who are in charge for preparation of railway projects financed by international financial institutions (World bank, EBRD, EIB and bilateral funds).
Please note
Companies that apply will have the opportunity to ask questions. You can apply by sending an e-mail to welcome@rcsee.org In the application, it is mandatory to state your name, surname and e-mail address, for sending a link to access the online presentation. The deadline for registering participants is Monday, 13 March 2023 at 10:00 a.m.