4:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Driving the Fast Lane Toward Future’s Mobility
What is driving China's future mobility?
The Chinese government is focusing on e-mobility to overcome the enormous challenges in the transportation sector. China is also forging ahead in other "new mobility" technology areas: Autonomous Driving, Shared Mobility and Connected Car technologies are firmly anchored in Chinese strategy papers. But how well are the technologies being accepted by society? What are the motivations behind China's offensive in Future Mobility? Who are the players?
Keynote: Till Ammelburg Employee at the Incubator TechCode in Berlin
With a vision talk by Prof. Dr.-Ing Andreas Braasch (Safety and Reliability Management, Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences) on future mobility and discussion by David Michalik (Bergische Universität Wuppertal), Fabienne Frauendorfer (LiangDao, Berlin) and Lars Tasche (TU Berlin and Tongji University, Shanghai).
Dr. Tania Becker
Center for Cultural Studies on Science and Technology in China
Technische Universität Berlin
Marchstr. 23
10587 Berlin
Please register till January 11, 2021 via mail at info@chinnotopia.de.
The event takes place digitally.