© Messe Berlin GmbH

28. April 2022
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Messe Berlin GmbH |
Messedamm 22, Halle 20 |
Further information
Alongside electromobility, autonomous driving is one of the main topics in the mobility industry. The question is no longer if, but when autonomous driving will become a reality. How does the topic present itself in the bus industry? What is the current status quo, which pilot projects are running and what are the findings? What are the opportunities and challenges? Where is the journey heading?
Be there
Experts from business, research and administration in the capital region will discuss "Autonomous driving - status quo and vision" at Bus2Bus - the industry meeting place for the German and European bus and supplier industry.
The panel discussion will take place as part of the Bus2Bus trade fair on the main stage in Hall 20 of Messe Berlin.

- Dr. Daniel Hesse, Head of the New Mobility Board, Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG)
- Mélanie Jachtner, Head of the Transport Technology and Research - Traffic Management - Digitalisation of Transport Working Group, Senate Department for the Environment, Mobility, Consumer and Climate Protection
- Falco Schuett, Chairman of the Board, IoT+Network c/o MotionLab Berlin
- Robin Schütte, Press Spokesperson BeIntelli - Showcase: AI for the mobility of the future based on platform economy, TU Berlin