10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
What to expect?
FERRMED. – a member of in-move by Railgrup – FERRMED is a non-profit multisectoral Association that was founded by the private sector in Brussels on 5 August 2004 to improve rail freight transportation and industrial competitiveness in Europe and neighboring countries.
FERRMED is promoting the implementation of common technical railway standards, the so-called "FERRMED Standards", the improvement of the connections of Ports and Airports with their respective hinterlands, the Full FERRMED Corridors achievement (for freight, considering only the most important part of the EU Railway Core Network) and the conception of a Great Rail Freight Axis Scandinavia-Rhine-Rhone-Western Mediterranean. Another key FERRMED objective is the optimization of the full logistics chain considering appropriate intermodality, reducing costs, increasing quality, assuring traceability and reliability, accomplishing lead times and timetables and improving management procedures in the transportation systems, in the framework of 5G and Circular Economy. In these last premises, and as result of its “Study of traffic and modal shift optimization”, published in 2024 (www.ferrmed.com) FERRMED has launched a revolutionary idea of the system, called +FIRRST, to manage freight trains in the EU, that we consider is the unique system to achieve the 30 % of terrestrial goods move by train in 2030. The system is a combined transport system aligned with the road (as the most flexible mode), that will allow the transport of semitrailers, containers and swap bodies from/to different destinations in the three modalities of FIRRST: Point to point (PtP, as at present), Stop at intermediate terminals (Sai), and Stop at request trains (Sor, to cover urgencies).
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About ERCI
This webinar is organised by the ERCI - European Railway Clusters Initiative. ERCI comprises 18 research and innovation-oriented railway technology clusters, covering 17 countries. ERCI represents over 2,300 SMEs and aims to promote innovation and the development of new business opportunities as a means to sustainably strengthen competitiveness within the European railway industry. ERCI promotes cooperation between industry and research, initiates innovation projects, organises B2B meetings and workshops. This also includes promoting visibility and networking at EU level.